Best Riding Boats on the Water
Twin Vee Fort Lauderdale

512 SE 32nd Court

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316


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Twin Vee, the Number One selling brand of power catamarans, has just raised the bar, yet again, with the introduction of their new Hydrofoil Supported 35’ Catamaran. This is a new generation and technological advancement in the performance and ride that is unsurpassed on the water today!

Twin Vee will be offering a unique opportunity for buyers to choose between a premium model with quality second to none, and a more affordable model to fit limited budgets. These Hydrofoil Supported Catamarans (HYSUCAT FOILS) amplify the many advantages of existing catamaran hull forms such as:
Reduced running resistance for a given speed by as much as 40%. This advantage can be exploited by lowering he horsepower required to give you a lower cost of engines and using less fuel while still delivering exceptional speed.
Improved ride quality in rough seas due to the motion damping effect of Hydrofoils.
A drier, softer ride because of its lift and its running on the tops of the waves thereby reducing the disturbance of the water and leaving less wake.

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