Locally Owned & Operated in the PNW • Wholesale & Retail
Tacoma Propeller

2601 East F Street

Tacoma, WA 98421


800-446-9733 - Toll Free

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Marine Propeller & Shafting Sales & Repair

About Us

Tacoma Propeller is located in a state-of-the-art propeller facility in Tacoma, Washington, USA since 1954. Within our 40,000 square foot location, we stock everything we sell online & are committed to ship 99% of our online sales in one business day. We are propeller specialists that have 50 years of proven experience in selling the correct propeller for your boat. We are a certified propeller repair facility by the National Marine Propeller Association.

We are wholesale distributors of only the highest quality boat products available and sell direct to the public at discounted prices. We are committed to providing our internet customers with the best quality products at the lowest cost. We do not offer any product that does not meet our quality and durability requirements.

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