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Island Girl Products

Kalua, Hi 96734


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Year Established 1995

About Island Girl Products

Island Girl Products, in Honolulu, Hawaii, provides a complete cleaning, restoration, and maintenance system for boats, yachts, RVs, autos, aircraft, home, and more.

ISLAND GIRLĀ® Products was founded in 1995 by Dr. Anthony L. Willis, a Ph.D. scientist of international repute. Dr. Willis obtained his degrees in London England (Kings College, Royal College of Surgeons in London England). Together with Nobel Laureate Sir John Vane, Dr. Willis made a discovery that aspirin and similar drugs prevented inflammation, pain and fever by blocking formation of local hormones called "prostaglandins". He later discovered that aspirin prevented heart attacks by blocking formation of an unstable substance that he isolated and which was later identified as a special type of unstable prostaglandin. All of this work and much of his later research on atherosclerosis and heart disease involved techniques of "separation chemistry" i.e. extraction of one group of chemical substances from another. This is also the principal behind all chemical cleaning and oxidation removal techniques.

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