Why buy a Concord boat? One word - QUALITY
Concord Boat Corp.

7901 Warden Rd.

Sherwood, AR 72120


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Yes, when you see other boat ads, they all say the same thing, but let’s get down to specifics! Each boat mold is waxed before every release for a perfect finish every time. Second, all graphics are sprayed in the mold with gelcoat by a skilled artist using the highest quality, marine-grade gelcoat. We don’t use pin striping between colors like other boat manufacturers do because we don’t have flaws to cover up! Next, we totally hand lay all glass using bi-axial Knytex & end-grained balsa wood coring ensuring a light-weight, rigid hull. Then, while the boat is still in the mold, the transom, stringers, gas tank, & floorboard are installed & glassed in. Then the flotation foam is injected while still in the mold, eliminating any distortion in the hull. Concord is not your typical mass boat manufacturer - it takes weeks to produce one boat! Concord has been about QUALITY, not quantity, for over 25 years!

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