4300 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22302
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Formerly Proteus Engineering
Alion hydrodynamic experts have a wide range of experience with ship motion, offshore dynamics and maneuvering simulation. We use cutting-edge commercial programs and in-house developed tools as well as the most advanced U.S. Navy technologies. Our ship motion analysis capability includes motion simulation in both frequency domain and time domain, use of linear and nonlinear methods, prediction of small/moderate amplitude motions as well as large amplitude motions leading to capsize. We can handle not only the traditional mono-hulls such as naval surface combatants, commercial oil tankers, bulk carriers, LNGs and container ships, barges, but also drilling ships, Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO), SPAR, riser and other offshore production platforms as well as high-speed, more advanced and challenging hull forms such as high-speed planing boats, catamarans and air-cushioned surface effect ship. We do single ship motion performance assessment (see below for details) as well as multi-vessel (with or without pier) motion simulations such as those required for lightering or cargo transfer operations, mooring and fendering analysis, offshore oil/gas projects, offshore wave energy harnessing, ocean thermal energy, towing analysis, articulated ships, articulated barges, and stern boat launch and recovery, etc. We use our own ship control and maneuvering tools as well as commercial programs to do various standard ship maneuvering simulations (IMO requirements, for example), station keeping simulation, dynamic positioning simulation and special ship maneuvers.